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Head Injuries Have Been Shown to Increase Likelihood of Future Brain Dysfunction

Filling out this "Head Injury Checklist" can assist you in determining how many times you may have injured your brain.

Often times, patients deny having had any head injuries, even though their symptoms or brain map indicate they did. Thankfully my "Head Injury Checklist" helps show all the various times a head injury may have occurred. Brain injury is a serious issue with many future health complications. Many non-invasive treaments can help reduce future issues, and knowing if and how many injuries you or your child may have sustained is a key first step. See what you find out by filling out the checklist today!

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has a profound effect on injured individuals and their families. Cognitive deficits caused by TBI interfere with work, relationships, leisure, and activities of daily living, exacting a personal and economic cost that is difficult to quantify.*
  • Closed head TBI occurs when the brain undergoes rapid acceleration-deceleration forces, which may involve blunt head impacts. However, rapid acceleration or deceleration of the head can occur without impact.*

  • As many as 65% of moderate to severe TBI patients report long-term problems with cognitive functioning. Cognitive deficits cause disability when they interfere with a patient's ability to perform their usual roles at work or at home.*

  • Cognitive recovery after moderate to severe TBI has a steep trajectory in the first year followed by more gradual improvements during later years. Impairments are more likely to persist in patients with severe injuries; although some patients may exhibit neuropsychological recovery up to 5 years post injury.*


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Find out how many times you or your child may have suffered a brain injury. Fill out this form to download the checklist.