Do You Want Full Recovery? You Must Reactivate Your Spinal Stabilizing Muscles

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The ATM®2 can be an irreplaceable component to a comprehensive rehabilitation program.  It has been demonstrated that the deep core muscles (the multifidi and the transversus abdominis) are critical for stabilizing the spine.

After a spinal injury has occurred due to trauma or repetitive motion injuries, your core muscles commonly shut down, inhibited by pain.  The central nervous system (CNS) adopts a compensating firing pattern to avoid the use of your injured, and now painful core muscles.  This compensation over-utilizes other larger muscle groups instead (such as the large extensor muscles and abdominal muscles) in an attempt to provide some stability.

As these compensating muscles are overused, they can cause fatigue and secondary pain.  Your larger muscles do not specifically control individual spinal segments as the deeper core muscles (the multifidi) do.  Consequently, your compensating muscles do not fully protect your spine under the shifting loads of weight-bearing, every day life, whether you are picking up a heavy box or reaching for your morning cup of coffee.

This compensation, maintained by the CNS, is one of the reasons why you might not have hurt before you reached for that pencil and then “threw your back out”.   Your CNS never relearned how to properly fire the core muscles and stabilize the spine under the demands of the body’s regularly shifting weight.

The ATM®2 allows the CNS to effectively relearn how to fire, previously inactive core muscles. Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC has been trained personally by the inventor of the ATM®2.

How can the ATM®2 work for you?

Once your painful motion is determined (back, neck, hip or shoulder), you stand next to the ATM®2 while supported by the therapist adjusting the position and tension of the stabilizing straps.  This is done until you no longer feel pain.  You then repeat the previously painful motion until it is pain free because now, you are fully supported by the ATM®2.

Then, you push against an isometric resistance strap into the now pain-free direction.  While you are pain free, your compensating muscles will no longer protectively fire and your CNS begins to relearn how to optimally fire your core muscles.

After the treatment, once off the ATM®2, you will often immediately feel and move better.

To schedule your case review to find out how the ATM®2 can help your condition, click on the big orange button below:


 Large ATM2 Group 1

Large ATM2 Group 2