BLOG | From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC | Shelby Township

GF-CF-SF Thanksgiving And Holiday Recipes You Will Love!

Written by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC | Thu, Nov 15, 2012

Sometimes my patients think changing to a health supporting diet is going to change everything for holidays and other occasions. In a way, it's true. Think about it this way ;improved eating habits that support lower levels of inflammation throughout the body which in turn can help modulate autoimmune process is a welcome change. That's a change we all can truly live better lives with.

Thankfully, you don't have to give up taste to eat gluten free, casein free and soy free either. Quite the contrary; you get to experience new tastes, vegetables, fruits and proteins in new delicous combinations.

I've assembled a collection of delicious recipes for you to try out your culinary skills at. Many are blood type diet neutral and others are not. But for the holidays anyone can eat these recipes guilt free.

You can click on the link below to download the Dr. Karl Johnson, DC approved Thanksgiving feast.

Thanksgiving dinner has been served at my home for many over a decade and has been a delicious blend of traditional turkey and other healthy accompaniments thanks to my wonderful wife's cooking supplemented by family friends that have health challenges similar to those that I have.

This complete Thanksgiving meal is courtesy of the D'Adamo's, Sandy Pelinsky and Alica Ryan. Enjoy the recipes, and I would love to hear your comments about them.  Bon Appetit!