BLOG | From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC | Shelby Township

Could 6 Doctor's Really Be Wrong About Fibromyalgia?

Written by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC | Sun, Apr 24, 2011

Phyllis would cry as she drove home from her job as a nurse at a local hospital because the pain was unbearable.  Phyllis' main concern was to demonstrate an upbeat, capable appearance for her 3 children when she returned home - she didn't want them to see her this way.

After putting herself through nursing school, her husband of many years served Phyllis with divorce papers.  Devastated and shocked with disbelief, this stress was the impetus for Phyllis to develop health challenges that would baffle many doctors.  Clinically, I have never seen a case of fibromyalgia that was not preceded by some significant stress - chemical, emotional or physical.  By the way, we have a new method for detecting stressors that are affecting your body negatively and it's called the NRG Nano Standard of Care Wellness System.

Just touching her skin lightly, Phyllis would wince from the intense pain.  One doctor she sought help from asked, "Phyllis, does it really hurt that much?", to which she would reply - YES!  Out came the prescription pad for "pain killers".  This would be repeated many times, by other doctors and Phyllis ended up with a multiple lumbar spinal fusion with screws and other hardware.

By the time Phyllis came to my office (after a continual search for help for 30 years) she had all but given up hope for finding a solution to her health challenges.

After a review of her case and determining her previous testing was too limited, I put together my recommendations for the in-depth testing needed to unveil the root cause or causes of Phyllis' health challenges.  After the testing came back, it became clear that Phyllis was suffering from an autoimmune thyroid condition along with blood sugar dysregulation compounded by gluten sensitivity and an autoimmune attack on her intestinal cells.

After informing Phyllis that I would be able to accept her for care and that I would be able to help her solve her health challenges once and for all, she tearfully exclaimed; "I was worried you wouldn't accept me into your treatment program"!  After assuring her that I would, I outlined my recommendations for a treatment program that would include dietary changes, lifestyle changes, specific nutritional supplementation and Johnson Brain-Based Therapy.

About 2 weeks into care, Phyllis could sleep through the night most nights!  "What a blessed thing to be able to sleep", she stated.  Next, her pain started diminishing to the point that she could handle doing more of her home tasks, and was up for visiting and other things most people take for granted.  Later, when I changed Phyllis' supplements to help her body's immune system reduce the autoimmune attack on her various body parts, she developed warmth again in her body.  In addition, a dramatic improvement in her appearance and flexibility materialized - it was almost unbelievable, but my staff and I saw it with our own eyes, as Phyllis gleefully got down on her knees and sprang back up!  Phyllis stated that she used to have to grapple any nearby piece of furniture to help pull herself back up to a standing postion.  Not any more!  She is able to turn on my adjustment table with the ease of a much younger person (she is close to 80 years old).

Results like Phyllis is receiving IS what keeps me "burning the midnight oil" and continually updating my clinical skills and learning about the most cutting-edge testing methods.

My heart is filled with joy to be able to tell you about Phyllis, and I hope you keep your burning desire to achieve wholeness with your health, too.

For more information and to receive my fibromyalgia eBook and DVD, click here.