Interactive Metronome for ADD/ADHD and Beyond...

The Interactive Metronome (IM) Program provides a structured, goal-oriented process that challenges the patient to synchronize a range of hand and foot exercises to a precise computer-generated reference tone heard through headphones. The patient attempts to match the rhythmic beat with repetitive motor actions. A patented audio or audio and visual guidance system provides immediate feedback measured in milliseconds, and a score is provided.

Conditions known to benefit from Interactive Metronome Therapy are: ADD/ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, PDDNOS, Behavior (Aggression & Impulsivity), Tourette's Syndrome, Brain Injury, Balance/Vestibular Disorders, Early Alzheimer's, Stroke, and many more.



Improvement with IM therapy has also been shown for: Reading & Math Fluency, Memory, Working Memory aka Short Term Memory, Prioritization & Time Management Skills, Reasoning & Problem Solving, Motor Control & Coordination and Sports Performance.

The IM's application is so broad because it measures and improves Motor Planning and Sequencing, a critical part of the brain's ability to integrate information and execute activity.

The IM Program provides a structured, goal-oriented process that challenges the patient to synchronize a range of hand and foot exercises to a precise computer-generated reference tone heard through headphones. The patient attempts to match the rhythmic beat with repetitive motor actions.

A patented audio or audio and visual guidance system provides immediate feedback measured in milliseconds, patient task performance and a score are recorded. Improvement is measured through improved patient scores during IM activities, IM re-assessments, neurological exam and reported improvement of a patient's activities outside the clinic.

Brain Moving PartsAn additional attribute of the Interactive Metronome is the availability of the Interactive Metronome HomeThe Interactive Metronome (IM) is a research-based training program that helps children and adults overcome attention, memory, and coordination limitations. The IM-Home delivery brings the benefits of IM into the comfort of your own home. You complete your personalized program on your own time, in your own home, with the guidance and supervision of a trained specialist. IM-Home works for people of all ages who have a variety of conditions affecting their cognitive and physical abilities.

There are many "brain fitness" programs that claim to work on attention, concentration and memory. But, these programs require the client to work on cognitive exercises alone. Research shows that combining physical and mental exercises significantly improve results. That’s why IM-Home incorporates movement and coordination activities, for a complete brain and body workout. Tailored for each patient, IM-Home capitalizes on the mind-body connection to improve thinking skills and coordination.

IM-Home’s results enrich our patients’ everyday lives. In addition to improving the results patients get from traditional therapy; IM-Home increases patients’ ability to function independently.

As a brain-based rehabilitation assessment and training program, the Interactive Metronome (IM) was developed to directly improve the brain's processing abilities that affect attention and focus, motor planning and sequencing. This, in turn, strengthens motor skills, including mobility and gross motor function, and many fundamental cognitive capacities such as planning, organizing and language.

Interactive Metronome Animation

Todays Doctors of Chiropractic, Medical Neurologists, Speech Language Pathologists, Psychiatrists and Psychologists are enhancing traditional therapy approaches with IM and achieving measurably improved outcomes.

The goal of Interactive Metronome is to*:

  • Drive functional neuroplasticity
  • Improve mental (doing)/interval (planning) timing
  • Improve the brain’s efficiency and performance

Neural synchronization is critical for:

  • Attention
  • Executive Function
  • Working Memory
  • Processing Speed
  • Speech & Language
  • Social Skills
  • Reading & Other Academic Skills
  • Motor Control & Coordination
  • Sensory Processing & Integration

Study showed improved:

  • Attention
  • Impulsive Behavior
  • Processing Speed
  • Language Processing
  • Reading
  • Motor Control and Coordination

There are approximately 1,700 clinics in the United States and Canada providing IM Therapy. IM has received considerable media recognition from the CBS Early Show, CNN News, US News & World Report and many other TV affiliates, radio programs and national publications. Please call us today for your complimentary IM screening to see if we can help you or a loved one. 586.731.8840.

I Would Like To See If You Can Help  My Child or Self With ADD/ADHD

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  Your Case Review: 586-731-8840


*SOURCE: Debra E Burdick. ADHD: Non-Medication Treatments and Skills for Children and Teens,