When it comes to treating ADHD, there are many different options and approaches. One of the more effective options is the use of treatments that have a natural approach to helping those who have ADHD. Importantly, this natural approach should not be confused with holistic medicine as the scientific basis for natural treatment options have been conclusively proven for decades. However, for those considering a natural approach, it is good to understand what makes this method practical and longer lasting in contrast to other treatment options.
Non-InvasivePerhaps one of the more significant reasons for the pattern of success with natural, alternative, treatments is that they are non-invasive. Natural treatments do not require an individual to take a pill as the treatment uses the body's sensory organs to provide the pathway for treatment. This lack of an invasive approach also prevents those who are being treated for ADHD from experiencing discomfort or other effects that might cause them to limit the treatments. Thus, those getting treatment tend to stick with the approach longer allowing for a longer lasting and more effective, overall result.
Along with being non-invasive, a natural approach to treating ADHD provides a flexible alternative to other treatment methods. While sharing some of the same reasons as non-invasive above, it allows for those getting the treatments to have more flexibility in terms of time, how often treatments are required, as well as scheduling treatment appointments. Also, a natural approach can be tailored to the individual, and it can be increased, decrease or otherwise adjusted to better suit those receiving treatment. Thus providing a faster response and turnaround to both setbacks and advances, for which the provider can use to assist in helping those being treated with ADHD, to manage better and longer.
Gets To The Root Concern
Certainly, the non-invasive nature and the flexibility of natural treatment options help to make the treatments effective and sustainable. At the core, a natural approach is more effective because it addresses the treatment of the brain directly. While there is no cure for ADHD, it is widely accepted that the concern rests with the brain. Natural treatment options such as neurofeedback therapy and others, use the body's sensory organs to direct the treatment at the brain. Other treatments, such as pharmaceutical options, take a more roundabout approach as they first have to enter the body's system through another means, passing to the brain only by moving past the blood/brain barrier. That does not mean to imply that such an option is ineffective, only that by approaching the brain in a direct fashion through existing mechanisms, the effect is not delayed. Also, by taking this direct approach, the results and effects tend to last longer as they do rely on the natural mechanisms that are already being utilized by the brain itself.
Neurofeedback and ADHD: The Research
Naturally readers want to know if a natural approach to treating a client with ADHD is backed up by research. The good news is, the answer is a resounding yes! Some of my favorite studies on neurofeedback and ADHD are:
1. The Kubik Research Group found “neurofeedback therapy is a valuable tool with beneficial impact on children with ADHD and accompanying disorders.”
2. The Delami Research Group found “neurofeedback is effective in the improvement of ADHD.”
3. The Cowley Research Group reported “neurofeedback promoted improvement of self reported ADHD symptoms.”
4. Royo & Soo Research Group concluded “neurofeedback training adjusted abnormal EEG and was effective in improving objective and subjective ADHD symptoms in ADHD prone college students.”
5. The Mayer Research Group concluded “neurofeedback is effective in treating adult ADHD long term.”
6. Shin Research Group reported “scores on several neuropsychological tests and parent behavior rating scales showed significant improvement.”
7. The Duric Research Group reported neurofeedback is an “alternative treatment for children and adolescents” who do not respond to stimulant drugs, or who suffer side effects.
8. The Steiner Research Group found neurofeedback improvements in ADHD symptoms were sustained at 6 month followup.
9. The Arns Research Group reported a meta-analysis of neurofeedback found large effect sizes for inattention and impulsivity and medium effect sizes for hyperactivity.
10. The Meisel Research Group compared 40 visits of neurofeedback to ADHD meds and did behavioral rating scales at pre, post treatment 2 months and post treatment 6 months. In both groups, there was “significant reductions reported in ADHD functional impairments by parents. Only significant academic performance improvements were detected in the neurofeedback group.”
There are many more studies but this list should get you the needed proof that a natural approach can be effective
Using a natural approach to treating ADHD, provides a direct method of interaction with the brain that not only addresses the concern but also potentially alleviates some of the external symptoms. When coupled with being non-invasive, providers can provide longer treatment without discomfort. The option provides flexibility for those being treated, meaning the natural approach and treatment becomes an option that many can take advantage of. Should you or anyone you know have ADHD, taking the time to contact a provider and discuss the treatment options could allow you the opportunity to regain your quality of life. While natural treatments are not a cure, treating ADHD through natural means can certainly help you navigate the concerns and symptoms associated with ADHD.
If we can help you in any way, feel free to contact us at 586-930-5148. Remember, brain maps help find the cause of ADHD. Neurofeedback can often correct the problem.
Always remember one of my mantras., "The more you know about how your body works, the better you can take care of yourself."
For more details about the natural approach I take with my patients, take a look at the book I wrote entitled: Reclaim Your Life; Your Guide To Revealing Your Body's Life-Changing Secrets For Renewed Health. It is available in my office or at Amazon and many other book outlets. If you found value in this article, please use the social sharing icons at the top of this post and please share with those you know who are still suffering with chronic health challenges, despite receiving medical management. Help me reach more people so they may regain their zest for living! Thank you!