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Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson's Chronic Condition Natural Treatment Blog

Intentional musings of a unique Shelby Township Michigan Chiropractic Physician dedicated to helping people find solutions to improving their health by rooting out causes to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stubborn thyroid disorder symptoms, balance disorders, chronic knee & shoulder pain, migraines, sciatica, ADD/ADHD/ASD, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disorders so they can Reclaim Their Life!

From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....

Dr. Evelin Valdez, ND

My name is Dr. Evelin Valdez, and I am a AMNA (American Medical Naturopathic Association) board-certified Traditional Naturopathic Doctor. I graduated from the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education in Mt Pleasant, Michigan, in December of 2022. My training of over 2600 hours includes, among many modalities, Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Nutrition, Healing with Foods, Muscle Response Testing, Western Herbalism, Light Healing Touch, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Color and Sound Therapy, Bodywork, Reflexology, Homeopathy, Iridology, Sclerology, Meridian and Chakra work, Feng Shui, Essential Oils, and Bach Flowers, Vaccines, and Environmental Toxins. My course work consisted of classroom training, directed studies for each classroom module, client consultations, hands on therapeutic work, and 4 research papers in the field of natural healing. I also carry liability insurance through the Alternative Balance Professional Group. I have always been interested in how the body functions and why certain ailments affect some people but not others and how these states of dis-ease can be prevented and cured. I remember my mother and grandmother using home remedies like compresses, teas, and rest to get over health challenges. I have successfully used many of these home remedies for my own family throughout the years. For most of my adult life however, I have heard, seen, and experienced great dissatisfaction with how the medical system approaches and treats disease. I wanted to understand more about the healing powers of nature and decided to pursue an education in Natural Healing. For me, being able to help others has always been very satisfying and my passion to help people become and stay healthy has grown to the point where I decided to make it my second career. Food is the foundation of our health and disease. Natural, wholesome, and nourishing foods promote health. Processed, refined, and unnatural foods promote disease. I believe health and disease starts with what we put into our bodies. I have a great passion for food – gardening, cooking, learning about different foods, trying new things in my kitchen – and sharing these experiences with others. My connection to food is the reason why I have decided to focus my naturopathic work on wholesome nourishment for body, mind, and soul. What do I mean by that? Our body consists of a physical form, the mind, and the soul. All three parts need wholesome, nutritious “food”. Our physical body needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals to function properly and to maintain good health. The physical food must be wholesome, nutrient dense, and unadulterated. The body can compensate for poor dietary habits by using up nutrient stores and by re-allocating resources where they are most needed. If we continue to rob the body’s coffers, eventually there is nothing left to support the natural processes that keep us in balance and healthy. Where do these resources come from and how can we replenish them? The answer is simple: the resources are found in natural, wholesome foods that resonate with our body. By eating the right foods at the right time, we replenish the stores and give our body the resources it needs to run optimally. What about food for the mind and the soul? Body, mind, and soul are tightly connected. Disease is often the result of unprocessed and stuck emotions and an imbalance of the mind and spirit. To be healthy, we also have to consider the nourishment we give our mind and our soul. Negative thoughts, unprocessed emotions, trauma, pessimism, anger, violent scenes on TV, angry music, for example, have a negative impact on our health. They are the junk food for the mind. Wholesome foods for our mind are positivity, optimism, critical thinking, stimulating activities that use the senses, for example. What is it that we feed our mind? Are we taking notice of what our mind is exposed to? How can we successfully change what we feed our mind? What about food for the soul? Are we satisfied with life? Do we have a purpose in life? Do we have compassion, drive, empathy? What makes us happy? What puts a smile and sunshine in our heart? What are we afraid of? Are we giving ourselves what we need or are we too consumed with keeping up with the neighbors, not being a disappointment, or not letting others down? What connects us to others? All these questions often lead to the answers of the underlying dis-ease. So why do some foods work magic for some people but not for others? Because we are all different, and what is good for one is not necessarily good for all. We must take a close look at each individual and determine what is best for the individual because one size does not fit all when it comes to personal health. We all have different stories, different experiences, and different genetic pre-dispositions. We all have different nutrient needs based on our lifestyle, our health, our jobs, our activities. What can you expect from working with Dr. Evelin? First and foremost, as a Naturopathic doctor, I am NOT a healer, I am a facilitator and teacher. It is my job to support and guide my clients on their health journey and to teach them about tools for well-being and how to use them. The body has the innate ability to heal itself and nature provides the tools. As a naturopath I will never do anything that will harm my client. I will never perform any invasive procedures nor prescribe any medications. It is my firm belief, that the only path to health is to take ownership of one’s own health by implementing a lifestyle that allows the body to regenerate, rejuvenate, and to heal; by providing the proper nourishment to our physical, emotional, and spiritual body. I will support you on your journey through sharing my knowledge and experience. I will support you by listening to your story and by seeing the whole person, not only the symptoms. It is my goal to enable you to take ownership of your health and well-being and to nourish your body, mind, and soul. It is my mission to enable you to walk this path by making the lifestyle changes you can commit to and live with forever.
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Healthier Habits for the New Year

Posted by Dr. Evelin Valdez, ND on Tue, Feb 28, 2023

Resolutions for a healthier you

Many of us set New Year resolutions, year after year, and every year by the end of February or March, the resolutions go up in smoke.  Some hang in a little longer and for some it’s a life changer. How come some people succeed and turn their health around? Why do others with similar goals only last a little while and then fall back into old habits?   There are some important key factors to consider if we really want to achieve the health changes, we set out for ourselves. And this applies year-round, not only with New Year’s Resolutions. 😊

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Topics: exercise, Healthy Habits, Health Goals, Naturopathy

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