As of 2013, the World Health Organization has noted that over 39 million people experience some level of ADD or ADHD. Furthermore, the severity in the appearance of this disorder is inconsistent across the board as a result of fluctuations in external and internal factors. This has lead to ADD and ADHD to become one of the more commonly researched spectrum disorders, and the attention has lead to innovative therapies in ADHD and ADD treatment options. In fact, both Canada's and America's treatment guidelines recommend non-pharmaceutical treatments as the first line in treating both ADD and ADHD, especially in children.
The Spectrum In Spectrum Disorder
The key to understanding how innovative therapies in ADHD and ADD are capable of dealing with this disorder requires some understanding of what is meant by ADD and ADHD being a spectrum disorder. Both ADD and ADHD have no direct causation but can be linked to various factors such as diet, lifestyle issues, genetics and more. Thus ADD and ADHD can have a range of symptoms with each one ranging from mild to severe. Existing symptoms can enhance other symptoms thereby producing a wider range of circumstances, and therefore, both are considered a spectrum disorder. This is crucial, as standard linear treatments are designed to focus on one symptom or group of symptoms but can not effect others that can be directly related or connected to the symptoms the treatment is designed to treat.
The Innovative Approach
Innovative treatments for ADHD and ADD bypass addressing the symptoms directly and seek to address the concern at the central point from where these disorders manifest: the brain and central nervous system. In effect, innovative therapies are a spectrum of treatment options that are designed to treat the disorder itself and are not necessarily directed at resolving one more specific symptoms. Depending on the severity of the disorder in an individual one or more options can be utilized to provide long lasting effects. While there is no specific cure to ADD and ADHD, this innovative approach of using a spectrum of treatment options be shown to not only reduce the symptoms but have shown long-term results in allowing those to regain much of their quality of life.
What Are Innovative Therapies In ADHD and ADD?
There are six innovative therapies for ADHD and ADD. These are scientifically tested therapies that are backed by decades of scientific research and study. Each one has shown a positive and lasting effect in the treatment of ADD and ADHD. These treatments include:
- Behaviour Modification Therapy
- Neurofeedback Therapy
- Spinal Adjustments
- Audio-Visual Entrainment Therapy
- Interactive Metronome Therapy
- Dietary Modification
Each of these innovative therapies in ADHD and ADD has a proven track record of helping those who have ADD and ADHD. These therapies can be used as a single treatment option or combined into a treatment regime with two or more options being employed depending on the particular case and severity. Also, many can be used in conjunction with other treatment options, with multiple treatment regimes enhancing each other respectively.
Why This Approach?
As previously mentioned, both ADD and ADHD are spectrum disorders and attempting to treat ADD or ADHD as a single disorder can produce short term results but lack the long-term effects of approaching the entire spectrum. Moreover, the innovative therapies in ADHD and ADD have shown their effectiveness in providing long term results, and since these options are also non-invasive, there is no side effects or alterations that can inhibit the effectiveness of the treatment options.
Presently, there is no treatment option, innovative or otherwise, that will offer a cure to either ADD or ADHD. However, these innovative therapies can provide long-lasting, long-term results that can reduce the effect this disorder has upon individuals and allow them to potentially regain their quality of life and prepare for the future. As with any treatment decision, discuss with your treatment provider the options that are right for your individual circumstances.
If we can help you in any way, feel free to contact us at 586-930-5148. Remember, brain maps, neurological examination and and in-depth case review help find the cause(s) of ADHD.
Always remember one of my mantras., "The more you know about how your body works, the better you can take care of yourself."
For more details about the natural approach I take with my patients, take a look at the book I wrote entitled: Reclaim Your Life; Your Guide To Revealing Your Body's Life-Changing Secrets For Renewed Health. It is available in my office or at Amazon and many other book outlets. If you found value in this article, please use the social sharing icons at the top of this post and please share with those you know who are still suffering with chronic health challenges, despite receiving medical management. Help me reach more people so they may regain their zest for living! Thank you!