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Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson's Chronic Condition Natural Treatment Blog

Intentional musings of a unique Shelby Township Michigan Chiropractic Physician dedicated to helping people find solutions to improving their health by rooting out causes to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stubborn thyroid disorder symptoms, balance disorders, chronic knee & shoulder pain, migraines, sciatica, ADD/ADHD/ASD, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disorders so they can Reclaim Their Life!

From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....

How Yoga Helps Reduce Inflammation

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Sun, Nov 26, 2017

How Yoga Helps Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a common condition that everyone faces at some point in their life. Dr. Isaac Eliaz states that inflammation is the body’s reaction to harmful influences like germs, pollution, toxins, and injuries. However, if inflammation reaches a chronic state, it becomes problematic to your health. Dr. Eliaz also pointed out that if such situation occurs, you have higher risks of getting dangerous illnesses including cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Senior citizens with inflammation are more likely to have their health and standard of living impacted. While there are over the counter medicines available, there are also plenty of exercises that can help reduce and prevent inflammation.

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Inflammation is a common condition that everyone faces at some point in their life. Dr. Isaac Eliaz states that inflammation is the body’s reaction to harmful influences like germs, pollution, toxins, and injuries. However, if inflammation reaches a chronic state, it becomes problematic to your health. Dr. Eliaz also pointed out that if such situation occurs, you have higher risks of getting dangerous illnesses including cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Senior citizens with inflammation are more likely to have their health and standard of living impacted. While there are over the counter medicines available, there are also plenty of exercises that can help reduce and prevent inflammation.

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One of the most effective exercises to reduce inflammation is yoga. Dr. Ram Rao, Ph.D writing on Yoga U Online discussed the link between yoga and inflammation. He suggests that yoga lowers stress hormones and pro-inflammation molecules called cytokines, both of which contribute to the pain caused by inflammation. He also stated that yoga can weaken and kill cancerous cells.

Dr. Rao referenced a study conducted by researchers from the Ohio State University to show how yoga can reduce inflammation. The study focused on two separate groups of middle-aged women: one group consisting of yoga practitioners and another groups which was new to yoga. The two groups of women were then subjected to the same stress inducing tasks, including solving difficult math problems without the aid of a pen and paper, and submerging their feet in extremely cold water. Blood samples were taken before, during and after the activities, and measured for the levels of pro-inflammatory molecules. The researchers found that women who were new to yoga had higher levels of pro-inflammatory molecules compared to the yogis.

The positive effect of yoga on inflammation is widely reported across the health industry. Health IQ found that yoga reduced bodily inflammation by 41%. This fact is backed up by Eat Well Enjoy Life’s article ‘3 Ways Yoga Helps Reduce Inflammation.' Aside from decreasing stress, they also pointed that yoga balances your blood sugar levels and helps with sleep. Over indulging in sugar can cause inflammation, so balancing your blood sugar levels will help you prevent it. In addition, you also lessen your cytokines through quality sleep. Insomnia can be a key reason for inflammation.

Among the many yoga poses, Mind Body Green suggested three simple yet effective ones. First, they state that the "Twisted Figure 4" pose soothes the nervous system and promotes healing in the body, combatting inflammation in the process. Meanwhile, "Warrior II" pose tackles the health defect by relieving muscles aches and improving blood circulation and breathing. And finally, the "Supine Twist" alleviates inflammation by strengthening your immune system and digestive health.

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So the next time you think about getting into yoga, remember that it can reduce inflammation. It shouldn’t be looked upon as some trendy exercise anymore just to keep you fit. It has, in many ways, become a recommended solution for many illnesses and health problems.

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Always remember one of my mantras., "The more you know about how your body works, the better you can take care of yourself."

For more details about the natural approach I take with my patients, take a look at the book I wrote entitled: Reclaim Your Life; Your Guide To Revealing Your Body's Life-Changing Secrets For Renewed Health. It is available in my office or at Amazon and many other book outlets. If you found value in this article, please use the social sharing icons at the top of this post and please share with those you know who are still suffering with chronic health challenges, despite receiving medical management. Help me reach more people so they may regain their zest for living! Thank you!


Topics: Yoga, Stress Hormones, Anti-Inflammatory Exercise

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