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Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson's Chronic Condition Natural Treatment Blog

Intentional musings of a unique Shelby Township Michigan Chiropractic Physician dedicated to helping people find solutions to improving their health by rooting out causes to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stubborn thyroid disorder symptoms, balance disorders, chronic knee & shoulder pain, migraines, sciatica, ADD/ADHD/ASD, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disorders so they can Reclaim Their Life!

From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....

Why Acid-Alkaline Balance is Important for Vibrant Health

Posted by Dr. Evelin Valdez, ND on Wed, May 17, 2023

Acid-Alkaline Balance

What is the alkaline-acid balance in our body?  In a nutshell, it is the balance between base (alkaline) substances and acidic substances in the body. There are many substances the body uses to build, repair, and function; these are amino acids, enzymes, sugars, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Each of them has a specific function, however, each substance is either an acid or a base (alkaline).  Acids and alkaline have opposing yet complementary characteristics, and the body needs both to function properly.  When acids and alkaline substances are present in balanced quantities, then the body is considered to be in Acid-Alkaline Balance, also referred to as Homeostasis.

 Healthy and Unhealthy pH Levels

Our body is designed to function optimally when our internal bio-chemical environment measures 7.39 pH.  The range for this optimum is very small from a more acidic environment of 7.36 pH to a more alkaline environment of 7.42 pH.   If the body’s internal environment is anywhere between 7 and 7.36 pH, the body is considered to be in a state of acidosis.  If the body’s internal environment is anywhere between 7.42 and 7.8 pH, the body is considered to be in a state of alkalosis. If the body gets into a state in which these limits are exceeded, it can no longer function and death will result. Our blood pH is kept in a range of 7.35 to 7.45. The body acid-base balancing procedures will do whatever they need to to keep the blood pH in this tight range.

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Topics: Healthy Habits, Health Goals, Naturopathy, Alkaline, Acid, Alkaline-Acid Balance, pH

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