From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....
Here we are at tht end of the series of articles on the seven types of attention deficit.
Type 7 is also called Anxious ADD. The name for this type of ADD comes from the combination of ADD symptoms and anxiety symptoms. When these two come together, the ADD symptom become magnified. At Johnson Chiropractic Neurology & Nutrition & Michigan Brain Health (website that details my mental fitness treatment paradigm) we look at brain maps or qEEG's. The brain maps have a color coding to indicate the degree of brainwave activity as well as the assymetry of brainwaves. Red and yellow colors indicate higher than normal brain wave activity. When we see light and dark blue we know there is lower that normal brain wave activity. In Anxious ADD, it is common to see red and/or yellow in the alpha brainwaves (and sometime in beta) on the magnitude portion of the brain map clinician report. Typically the beta waves are predominant on the right side of the brain with anxiety as well on the assymety portion of the clinician report.
In Anxious ADD, it is very common to see the core ADD symptoms plus fear of being judged, predicting the worst, being conflict avoidant, and having physical stress symptoms, such as headaches and stomachaches. In addition, people with this type tend to freeze in anxiety-provoking situations, especially where they may be judged, such as in test taking. [1] As with all the other ADD types, a we correlate the patient's qEEG findings with their clinical history and brain map (qEEG) results will assist with correct ADD/ADHD classification.
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Topics: ADHD, Neurofeedback, Functional Neurology, Nutritional Help, Type 7 ADD, Anxious ADD