With chronic degenerative diseases rising and particularly many autoimmune diseases, such as celiac diease, Hashimoto's, mulitple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and others. Health challenges such as Fibromyalgia and vertigo are also often linked to gluten intolerance and autoimmune illness. If you are STILL suffering and have been going from doctor to doctor, it's time you understand the connection to gluten intolerance.
I regularly help patients find solutions to their chronic health conditions because of my desire to get to the bottom of why they are not healing like my other patients were. My own health journey of finding out I have gluten intolerance, due to a genetic predispostiion, lead me to this place in my life that feeds my passion to help others. Through a specialized unique, whole body approach to testing and treatment, I am able to help many people afflicted with chronic health challenges, relcaim their life. In fact, I am putting the final touches on my first book that explains more about this whole process. You can sign up to learn of my books release by clicking on the button or image below.
OK, lets loook at Ten Things You Didn't Know About Gluten and Autoimmune Illness:
1. Gluten is hidden in:
- Soy sauce
- Food starches
- Food emulsifiers
- Food stabilizers
- Artificial food coloring
- Malt extract, flavor, syrup
- Dextrins
2. You cannot find most cases of gluten sensitivity by only looking at gliadin antibodies. In order to find out if a components of wheat and gluten cause your immune system to trigger autoimmune processes you have to look at other substances in grains (proteomes):
- Lectins, such as Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
- Multiple gliadins - NOT just alpha gliadin (which is what the typical blood test for gluten sensitivity measures). Proper testing evaluates alpha gliadin, beta gliadin, gamma gliadin, omega gliadin, deamidated gliadin 15, 17, 33
- Transglutaminase 2 (GI tract), 3 (Dermis), and 6 (Nervous system)
- Gluteomorphin
- Prodynorphin
3. Gluten exposure can cause immune reaction against gluten in predisdosed individuals. Only about 1 in 8 of these predisposed individuals develop enteropathy (disease of the intestinal tract). The rest of us develop tissue inflammation, tissue autoimmunity or have a reaction to the breakdown produce of wheat, rye and barley called gluteomorphin. this chemical attaches to mophine receptors in the brain and leads to addition to gluten containing grains and neurochemical imbalance. The neurochemical imbalance expresses commonly as depression, anxiety, etc.
4. Patients with enteropathy (disease of the intestinal tract) represent only a third of patients with neurological manifestations and gluten senstivity. In other words your GI tract can appear just fine, but you can develop multiple sclerosis, brain damage or other nervouse system problems, such as peripheral neuropathy.
5. 87.5% of those of us with celiac disease have outward symptoms. only 12.5% have symptoms according to and article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ. 1999;319:236-239). In other words, for every symptomatic patient with celiac disease there are eight patients with celiac disease and no gastrointestinal symptoms.
6. Undiagnosed Celiac disease has increased dramatically during the last 50 years and this increase is NOT due simply to increased detection (Gastroenterology. 2009 Jul;137(1):880-93). Even worse; during the 45 years of follow-up, undiagnosed Celiac disease (CD) was associated with nearly a four-fold increase risk of death. In the past 50 years, CD went from 1 in 700 to 1 in 100. Those with the greatest mortality were indentified as having silent CD.
7. There are many factors leading to increased prevalence of gluten sensitivity, including:
- Genetically modified (GMO) foods
- Gluten deamidation (see below)
- gluten storage in bind for long periods of time, leading to enterotoxin contamination.
- Hygiene Hypothesis. In medicine, the hygiene hypothesis states that a lack of early childhood exposure to infectious agents, symbiotic microorganisms (e.g., gut flora or probiotics), and parasites increases susceptibility to allergic diseases b y suppressing natural development of the immune system. Because of this we fail to induce a Th1 polarized response early in life so as we grow up w e are more prone to developing Th2 induced disease. The rise of autoimmune diseases and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in young people in the developed world has also been linked to the hygiene hypothesis.
- Leaky gut syndrome
- Chronic stresss, leading to a breakdown of immune tolerance
- Poor nutrition
- Enzyme insufficiency
8. Deamidated gliadin is the product of acid or enzymatic treatment of gluten that is used in the food-processing industry. Deamidation is done because gliadins are soluble in alcohol and cannot be mixed with other foods (like milk) without changing the foods qualites. Deamidated gliadin is soluble in water. The cellular immunity to deamindated gliadin is much greater than to native gliadin.
9. The extensive use of deamidated wheat i
solates, like gliadin, in the food industry may mbe the major cause of hidden food allergies. These isolateds are used as food emulsifiers, gelling agents, film formation aids, stretchability agents in meat products, sauces, and soups, and as clarifying agents in red wine.
10. Deamidated gliadin antibody is a better diagnostic test for CD than the conventinal gliadin antibody testing, although tissue biopsy remains the gold standard test for diagnosis of celiac patients.
If you are suffering with a health challenge that you just can't seem to beat, give me a call at 586-731-8840 and come in for a case review. You'll be glad you did!
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