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Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson's Chronic Condition Natural Treatment Blog

Intentional musings of a unique Shelby Township Michigan Chiropractic Physician dedicated to helping people find solutions to improving their health by rooting out causes to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stubborn thyroid disorder symptoms, balance disorders, chronic knee & shoulder pain, migraines, sciatica, ADD/ADHD/ASD, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disorders so they can Reclaim Their Life!

From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....

Extremity Joint Dysfunction-The Missing Link to Chronic Pain Relief?

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Dec 19, 2023


Chiropractic has the incredible ability to restore the correct movement of spinal bones and relieve nerve irritation. It's not just the spine that can be affected though; other joints in the body can also lose their normal motion and position. By utilizing chiropractic techniques, not only can range of motion be improved, but painful inflammation can also be reduced. The best part? All of this can be achieved without the need for drugs or surgery!

The incredible benefits of chiropractic care extend beyond just the spine. In fact, virtually every joint in your body can experience fixations that hinder proper function and range of motion. Whether it's due to trauma, micro-traumas, vibrations, or repetitive motions, these joint problems can be effectively addressed through chiropractic care. So, whether it's your spine, jaw, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, foot, or any other joint, chiropractic care can help restore optimal function and provide relief without the need for drugs or surgery.

Here's a fascinating fact: did you know that your joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments all send valuable information to your brain? In fact, a whopping 80% of your brain's stimulation comes from this upstream information. It's truly incredible how interconnected our bodies are!

When the sensors in our tissues fail to provide complete and accurate information to the brain, it hinders the proper transmission of signals to the muscles responsible for controlling our body. This disruption activates pain nerves, and also causes abnormal muscle firing patterns and contractions. Put simply, when a joint is not functioning correctly, it fails to send the brain the necessary information that indicates movement in a specific direction. As a result, our body triggers a pain signal to grab our attention.

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Topics: knee pain, low back pain, back pain, chiropractic, neck pain, Johnson Chiropractic Neurology & Nutrition, Chronic Knee Pain,, plantar fasciitis, foot pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Wrist Pain, Hand Pain, chiropractic care, Foot Levelers Orthotics, extremity, extremity adjustment, elbow pain, ankle pain, tennis elbow, jaw pain, motion palpation, TMJ

How Plastic Deformation Can Cause Back Pain

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Nov 10, 2020

“Back pain” is a common complaint for a patient. But pain in the back can originate from somewhere else along the Kinetic Chain, such as in the feet. The Kinetic Chain is a term that describes the variety of joints and bones that carry weight from the top of the body to the ground, famously sung about in the Dry Bones song by the Delta Rhythm Boys.

But pain caused by the feet might not necessarily mean pain in the feet. Instead, a structural imbalance might be caused by stress, time, and plastic deformation—when the foot’s tissues stretch beyond their elastic limits and become permanently deformed. 

Plastic Deformation - What Is It?

Think of the soft tissue in your feet like ice cream. If you leave ice cream in the sun, it’s going to melt (deform) and will never be the same. It’s a similar idea with your feet. Once the arches in your feet are stretched beyond their limits, like melted ice cream, they will never be the same. The soft tissues that make up the three arches of the foot are stretched every day as we stand and move. Over the years, being continually pushed past their limits decreases their elasticity. The tissues stay extended instead of returning to their original shape. This condition, called plastic deformation, causes the foot’s entire structure to collapse.

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Topics: back pain, Plastic Distortion, Orthotics, Foot Levelers Orthotics, Elastic Distortion

How Cellular Exercise [PEMF] Can Help Your Body Heal

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Sep 01, 2015

Cellular exercise in the form of PEMF can help your body heal itself. PEMF is short for pulsed electromagnetic fields.

For a few years now, I have been researching PEMF and how to incorporate it into my natural healing practice. With the myriad of different systems available, I wanted to ensure I chose a PEMF system that was robust, effective and made in the United States. After reviewing a few systems, I decided to use one that several of my colleagues found very effective and that stood the test of time in regards to durability and one that effectively improved my patients' healing ability. In my office, patients who have chronic knee pain, chronic shoulder pain/"frozen shoulder, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), ADHD, and a host of other chronic and acute health challenges are benefitting from cellular exercise using our Pulse Centers XL Pro system.

What is an electromagnetic field? What are PEMFs?

"If you have ever held two magnets in your hands, tried to force them together, and felt a resistance between them, then you have experienced a magnetic field. The Earth has its own magnetic field, produced by fluxes in the molten metal in the core of the planet. The presence of this field is what causes a compass to rotate so that the ‘north pole’ of the compass points roughly north. A changing magnetic field (such as a magnetic field moving through a coil) generates an electric field (which would drive a current in the coil). This forms the basis for many electrical generators and motors. Similar to the way that a changing magnetic field can generate an electric field, a changing electric field generates a magnetic field. This is a natural activity of the universe. An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by moving electrical charges. It affects the behavior of any other charged objects in the vicinity of the field.

PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields, which are widely used these days to improve circulation and cell metabolism. The body can become accustomed to nonmoving (or static) magnetic fields, which are generally unable to deeply penetrate the body. A pulsed electromagnetic field, however, is quite dynamic, is able to penetrate all the way through the body, and creates a cascade of effects within the body.

It is important to distinguish between the electromagnetic fields we use for therapeutic purposes, and other man-made electromagnetic fields from power lines, microwave ovens, cell phones, etc., which can cause damage to our bodies. The PEMF devices we recommend all produce safe, natural electromagnetic fields which are of lower frequency, and are complementary to the chemistry and functions of the body." [1]

What effectively sold me on PEMF (and the system we use) was the benefits I personally experienced using the cellular exercise device. Let me explain how PEMF may help you:

"You have over 75 Trillion cells in your body. Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things.They provide structure for the body,take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions.

Cellular exercise increases cellular membrane permeability. This allows better circulation of oxygen and nutrients into your cells. Additionally, PEMF helps eliminate carbon dioxide and waste products out of the cells.

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Topics: fibromyalgia, back pain, Parkinson's disease, energy, Chronic Knee Pain,, Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Pain Treatment, PEMF, Cellular Exercise, Pulse PEMF, Pulse XL Pro

The Helpful Doctor Is A WELL Informed Doctor

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Fri, May 31, 2013

Completing high school and either deciding to pursue a career in the skilled trades, or continuing education in a chosen field through college courses are a couple of paths towards a fulfilling and rewarding career. Most of us have taken one of these paths and have been able to make a living and for some, land their dream job. I feel blessed to be among those who realized the latter.

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Topics: fibromyalgia, vertigo, back pain, migraine, neck pain, hypothyroid symptoms

Breakthrough ATM2 Treatment Brings Pain Relief In Minutes

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Thu, Mar 22, 2012

What would you say if I told you about a new medical breakthrough treatment could bring you pain relief in as little as 5 minutes-even if you have had the pain for several years? You would call it a miracle, wouldn't you? Well this miracle is called the ATM2, which stands for Active Therapeutic Movements (2nd edition) and is available at Johnson Chiropractic Neurology & Nutrition, now.

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Topics: knee pain, back pain, ATM2, neck pain, BackProject, shoulder pain

Patient Centered Multi-Disciplinary Spine Care Pathway Results in Minimized Lower Back Pain and Treatment Costs

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Mon, Oct 31, 2011

The use of a patient-centered multi-disciplinary Spine Care Pathway (SCP) helped to minimize lower back pain (LBP) and the associated treatment costs, according to a recent study, “A Hospital-Based Standardized Spine Care Pathway: Report of a Multidisciplinary, Evidence-Based Process,” published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, February 2011, Vol. 34, No. 2.

Using the National Center for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Back Pain Recognition Program (BPRP) as its framework, the SCP provided patients with the five care options cited as the most effective in the back pain literature: spinal manipulation, extension and flexion directional preference exercises, core stabilization exercises, and mechanical traction.

“Lower back pain is a common condition affecting an estimated 90 percent of the population at some time,” said Ian C. Paskowski, D.C., lead author and medical director, Medical Back Pain Program at Jordan Hospital, Plymouth, Mass., the site from which this study’s date was derived. “Current methods of relieving LBP are often uncoordinated, inefficient and expensive. However, our team of researchers was the first to implement an evidence-based, standardized SCP, which aligned individual patients with the appropriate conservative care option. As predicted, the results were improved patient health and satisfaction rates, with decreased costs.”

The LBP program at Jordan Hospital, managed chiefly by Doctors of Chiropractic, treated 518 patients in the first six months of the program, using a two-tiered clinical management approach. Of the total patient population, 402 were exclusively cared for by D.C.s who achieved successful treatment outcomes in an average of just 5.2 visits at the extremely low cost of only $302 per case, while maintaining a patient satisfaction rate above 95 percent. Self-reported pain and disability scores were reduced by about 70% over the course of just a few weeks.

Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) have traditionally been the providers to initially see LBP patients. “We have demonstrated that when this spine care pathway is offered to PCPs, they will utilize these evidence-based guidelines and chiropractic services,” said Paskowski. “I largely credit our Doctors of Chiropractic for achieving these excellent clinical outcomes and attaining such high patient satisfaction rates. Their dedication to individual patient needs and a patient-centered approach aligns flawlessly with the medical home model and yields remarkable results. We anticipate that this SCP will become the globalized framework for uniformity and consistency in healthcare for LBP management, and that chiropractors will become the non-surgical spine care experts in the health care system.”

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Topics: low back pain, multi-disciplinary, spine care pathway, back pain, chiropractic, spine

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