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Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson's Chronic Condition Natural Treatment Blog

Intentional musings of a unique Shelby Township Michigan Chiropractic Physician dedicated to helping people find solutions to improving their health by rooting out causes to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stubborn thyroid disorder symptoms, balance disorders, chronic knee & shoulder pain, migraines, sciatica, ADD/ADHD/ASD, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disorders so they can Reclaim Their Life!

From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....

Dr. Johnson’s Tips For Improving Bone Density The Drug-Free Way

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Apr 30, 2024

In this comprehensive guide, I will provide you with valuable insights on how to enhance your bone density through a combination of a healthy diet, specific nutritional supplements, weight-bearing exercises, and alternative therapies. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can take proactive steps towards improving your bone health and overall well-being. So, let's dive in and explore the various ways you can optimize your bone density for a healthier and stronger body.

Come along with us as we explore important aspects of causation, evaluation, and treatment choices (both conventional and alternative) to boost your bone density. Keep an eye out for valuable perspectives and don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Understanding Bone Density and Its Importance

Bone density refers to the amount of mineral matter, such as calcium and phosphorus, present in your bones. It is a measure of the strength and density of your bones, which is crucial for maintaining overall bone health and preventing conditions like osteoporosis and fractures.

Having good bone density is important because it reduces the risk of bone fractures and ensures that your bones can support your body weight and perform daily activities without any issues.

As we age, our bone density naturally decreases, making it essential to take proactive steps to maintain and improve it.

Discover essential information to enhance your bone health by delving into the details...

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Topics: inflammation, osteoporosis, bone health, PEMF, Cellular Exercise, inflammation modulation, Nutritional Supplements, osteopenia, bone density, DEXA, Whole Body Advanced Vibration Exercise, Whole Body Vibration, Walking, Weight Bearing Exercise

Enhancing Blood Circulation with PEMF For Improved Health and Healing

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Sep 19, 2023


One of the major advantages of PEMF therapy is its ability to optimize blood flow. By stimulating the production of nitric oxide1, a vital molecule that relaxes blood vessels and enhances blood circulation, PEMF therapy plays a significant role in improving overall health and promoting healing. Nitric oxide acts as a powerful vasodilator, expanding blood vessels and reducing resistance, allowing for more efficient blood flow. This increased circulation ensures that oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells are delivered effectively to various tissues and organs, ultimately supporting the body's healing process.

These scientific investigations into the effects of PEMF therapy on blood circulation have yielded consistently remarkable results. The studies have shown that PEMF therapy not only significantly increases blood flow velocity but also improves microcirculation, leading to enhanced oxygenation of tissues. One study, in particular, stands out for its findings published in the prestigious Journal of Orthopaedic Research. This study revealed that PEMF therapy can produce a remarkable increase in blood flow of up to 35% in the treated area2.

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Topics: Diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, PEMF, Cellular Exercise, Cardiovascular Health, Circulation, VEGF, Microcirculation

Why PEMF May Be a Helpful Tool for Stroke Recovery

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Sep 05, 2023

What is PEMF?

PEMF, short for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy, is a cutting-edge treatment that utilizes electromagnetic fields to stimulate healing and recovery in the body. This non-invasive therapy has gained attention in the medical field for its potential in stroke recovery and prevention. But what exactly is PEMF and how does it work?

PEMF therapy involves the use of electromagnetic fields that are carefully tuned to specific frequencies and intensities. These electromagnetic fields are applied to the body through specialized devices, such as mats or handheld devices, which deliver the pulses directly to the affected areas.

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Topics: PEMF, Cellular Exercise, neuroplasticity, Research, Reduce Inflammation, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, Stroke, Cerebrovascular Accident

PEMF helps pain, inflammation and injury

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Jun 06, 2023

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have been used in almost every conceivable human illness or malady, including many inflammatory diseases such as arthritis or psoriasis.

PEMF therapy has been associated with pain reduction, and accelerated healing. PEMFs exert these effects by regulating processes involving inflammation and autoimmune diseases, among other biologic actions.

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Topics: inflammation, PEMF, Cellular Exercise, inflammation modulation, Chronic Pain Relief, Natural Management of Chronic Pain, Reduce Inflammation

How PEMF Helps Bone Health in a Natural Way

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Mon, May 08, 2023

What is PEMF

PEMF therapy, also known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy, or Cellular Exercise, is a non-invasive form of therapy that uses electromagnetic fields to promote healing in the body. PEMF therapy has been shown to have several benefits for bone health. In this article, we will discuss the ways in which PEMF therapy can benefit bone health and improve bone density.

Promotes bone growth and regeneration

PEMF therapy has been shown to promote bone growth and regeneration by stimulating bone cells known as osteoblasts. These cells are responsible for the formation of new bone tissue. PEMF therapy has been shown to increase the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts, which can lead to the formation of new bone tissue.

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Topics: osteoporosis, PEMF, Cellular Exercise, osteopenia, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, ATP, osteoclasts, osteoblasts

Learn how Pam Received Chronic Knee Pain Relief in Minutes [VIDEO]

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Thu, Jun 21, 2018

Trigenics® with Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC ends Pam's knee pain in minutes. Pam's severe knee pain has been chronic for at least 10 years. Despite having physical therapy, water therapy, injections and exercise, her knee pain relentless degraded her daily standard of living. Pam used to be very active and really misses being able to go for walks being able to cycle. Thankfully, to her surprise, Trigenics® Treatment by Dr. Karl R.O. S. Johnson, DC relieved Pam's chronic bilateral knee pain In minutes. She was so overwhelmed with the positive changes, it brought her to tears. Take a look for yourself and then call my office at 586-731-8840 to see if you can be helped.

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Topics: knee pain, Trigenics, Cellular Exercise, non-surgical knee pain help, knee pain after surgery, Photobiomodulation, Joint Pain, Non-Surgical Knee Pain Relief

How Cellular Exercise [PEMF] Can Help Your Body Heal

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Sep 01, 2015

Cellular exercise in the form of PEMF can help your body heal itself. PEMF is short for pulsed electromagnetic fields.

For a few years now, I have been researching PEMF and how to incorporate it into my natural healing practice. With the myriad of different systems available, I wanted to ensure I chose a PEMF system that was robust, effective and made in the United States. After reviewing a few systems, I decided to use one that several of my colleagues found very effective and that stood the test of time in regards to durability and one that effectively improved my patients' healing ability. In my office, patients who have chronic knee pain, chronic shoulder pain/"frozen shoulder, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), ADHD, and a host of other chronic and acute health challenges are benefitting from cellular exercise using our Pulse Centers XL Pro system.

What is an electromagnetic field? What are PEMFs?

"If you have ever held two magnets in your hands, tried to force them together, and felt a resistance between them, then you have experienced a magnetic field. The Earth has its own magnetic field, produced by fluxes in the molten metal in the core of the planet. The presence of this field is what causes a compass to rotate so that the ‘north pole’ of the compass points roughly north. A changing magnetic field (such as a magnetic field moving through a coil) generates an electric field (which would drive a current in the coil). This forms the basis for many electrical generators and motors. Similar to the way that a changing magnetic field can generate an electric field, a changing electric field generates a magnetic field. This is a natural activity of the universe. An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by moving electrical charges. It affects the behavior of any other charged objects in the vicinity of the field.

PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields, which are widely used these days to improve circulation and cell metabolism. The body can become accustomed to nonmoving (or static) magnetic fields, which are generally unable to deeply penetrate the body. A pulsed electromagnetic field, however, is quite dynamic, is able to penetrate all the way through the body, and creates a cascade of effects within the body.

It is important to distinguish between the electromagnetic fields we use for therapeutic purposes, and other man-made electromagnetic fields from power lines, microwave ovens, cell phones, etc., which can cause damage to our bodies. The PEMF devices we recommend all produce safe, natural electromagnetic fields which are of lower frequency, and are complementary to the chemistry and functions of the body." [1]

What effectively sold me on PEMF (and the system we use) was the benefits I personally experienced using the cellular exercise device. Let me explain how PEMF may help you:

"You have over 75 Trillion cells in your body. Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things.They provide structure for the body,take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions.

Cellular exercise increases cellular membrane permeability. This allows better circulation of oxygen and nutrients into your cells. Additionally, PEMF helps eliminate carbon dioxide and waste products out of the cells.

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Topics: fibromyalgia, back pain, Parkinson's disease, energy, Chronic Knee Pain,, Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Pain Treatment, PEMF, Cellular Exercise, Pulse PEMF, Pulse XL Pro

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