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Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson's Chronic Condition Natural Treatment Blog

Intentional musings of a unique Shelby Township Michigan Chiropractic Physician dedicated to helping people find solutions to improving their health by rooting out causes to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stubborn thyroid disorder symptoms, balance disorders, chronic knee & shoulder pain, migraines, sciatica, ADD/ADHD/ASD, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disorders so they can Reclaim Their Life!

From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....

NAET Therapy: A Holistic Approach for Allergies and Emotional Healing

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Jan 28, 2025

NAET, or Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, is a gentle, non-intrusive therapy designed to eradicate allergies, sensitivities, and emotional disturbances. Created by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, this comprehensive approach combines acupuncture, kinesiology, chiropractic care, and energy medicine to recalibrate the body’s reaction to discomfort-inducing triggers.

However, NAET goes beyond just addressing physical allergies. It also tackles emotional imbalances such as stress, anxiety, and guilt, which frequently present themselves as physical symptoms. Many of these emotional imbalances lead to changes in brainwave function that can be measured on a qEEG or brain map. 

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Topics: NAET, Emotional Release, Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, Holistic Health, Wholistic Healing

Causes of Migraine Headaches and What To Do About Them

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Wed, Sep 25, 2013

Close to 15% of the global population will experience migraines at some time or another. Despite decades of empirical and anecdotal evidence, studies and research, the exact causes of migraines are still unknown. Sufferers, or migrainers, are advised to avoid migraine triggers; those that are well documented. Other research suggests links between environment, genetics, diet, and hypothyroidism. Associated conditions and symptoms with one or all of the above include depression, anxiety and recurring/constant neck pain.

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Topics: Hypothyroidism, gluten, thyroid, chiropractic, migraine, neck pain, NAET, headache, AcuGraph

Gut Pain, Autoimmune Attack, Gallbladder Sluggishness and Lectins

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Sun, Mar 18, 2012

Many years ago when my daugher was an infant she developed a strange symptom: vomitting sometime between the hours of 11:00pm and 1:00am. The next day she showed no signs of any distress or that anything was wrong. The next night the same occurrance - a crying baby and then she would spew forth again. This perplexing situation kept up for a while and I had to get to the bottom of it!

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Topics: autoimmune, NRT, NAET, Lectins, Gut Pain, Gallbladder, Body Meridian Clock

Gluten Sensitivity Gene Testing is Essential in Chronic Illness

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Thu, Sep 22, 2011

Gluten sensitivity is often least expected as a cause for a chronic health condition.  Health challenges such as Hashimoto's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Depression and Anxiety, Balance Disorders, Irritble Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and many other maladies can be caused or triggered by gluten sensitivity.

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Topics: gluten sensitivity, Hashimoto's, gluten, ADD, ADHD, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, NAET

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