Recurrent body pain is not an inescapable life sentence. Like a lot of people, perhaps you have struggled with such pain for years despite having seen doctors, taken various medicine cocktails, and participated in some form of physical therapy.
From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....
Recurrent Body Pain Can Be Solved Naturally
Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Thu, Oct 10, 2013
Topics: Hypothyroidism, chronic pain, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy, migraine, ATM2, neck pain, Nano, subclinical hypothyroidism
Fibromyalgia Brain Fog Can Be Due To Gut Inflammation
Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Sun, Mar 11, 2012
One of the hallmarks of fibromyalgia is brain fog. Many of my patients describe brain fog as confusion, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating.
They often tell me they just don't not feel right, or they feel a bit spacey. Jokingly at times, I hear my patients say they are having a “senior moment” when they are having trouble remembering certain things. Thye might be talking to a friend at lunch, for example, and in the middle of a sentence such as “please pass the ….” and then forget either the name of what it is they want. Getting the words to flow smoothly, just isn't working. Levity aside, brain fog is NO JOKE!
Topics: Cyrex Labs, fibromyalgia, gluten intolerance, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy, brain fog, adrenal gland
Colostrum And Proline-Rich Peptides (PRP) Help Autoimmune And Neurological Disorders
Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Sun, Feb 12, 2012
There is an exciting breakthrough that is "cracking the code" when it comes to treating patients who have autoimmune and neurological disorders such as:
Topics: autoimmune, LGS, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy, colostrum, PRP, Proline Rich Polypeptides, neurological disorders, blood brain barrier
Insulin Resistance, ‘Man Boobs’, Fatigue and Fear of Diabetes
Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Sun, Oct 02, 2011
You have no energy – after work you come home and you’re spent – nothing is getting done around the house. Getting to sleep is easy, but you wake up multiple times at night, never getting the quality of sleep that might help you feel better. When the alarm goes off, the thought of getting up in the morning gives you angst because you wonder when it will ever get better.
Topics: Diabetes, insulin resistance, fatigue, Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, cholesterol, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy
Gluten Sensitivity Gene Testing is Essential in Chronic Illness
Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Thu, Sep 22, 2011
Gluten sensitivity is often least expected as a cause for a chronic health condition. Health challenges such as Hashimoto's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Depression and Anxiety, Balance Disorders, Irritble Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and many other maladies can be caused or triggered by gluten sensitivity.
Topics: gluten sensitivity, Hashimoto's, gluten, ADD, ADHD, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, NAET
Succeessful Drug-Free Treatment of ADD/ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Etc.
Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Sun, Sep 18, 2011
Ever since the mid nineties when I received additional certification in pediatric chiropractic, I've continued to work on improving my treatment for children with neurobehavioral disorders. I've seen too many children with ADD, ADHD and Autism put on too many brain and body damaging drugs over the years and I just had to do something about least in my geographic area.
I have been treating kids using typical chiropractic treatments with developmental and behavior concerns since the mid ‘1990s’ after I earned fellowship status from The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Some success was obvious (less fidgeting and better focus) but the improvements were not predictable. Many parents were desperately trying to help their child perform without putting them on medications. I offered the clinical skills I had at the time.
Topics: ADD, ADHD, Autism, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy, Drug-Free
Say Goodbye to ADD/ADHD with Neuro Metabolic Therapy
Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Aug 30, 2011
The human brain is a complex organ, capable of incredible feats of brilliance and fueling subconscious fears and desires. Until recently, many in the medical profession ignored the role our brains play in our overall physical health. Instead, doctors treated the symptoms — pain, insomnia, intestinal distress, ADD — while ignoring the role our brains play in causing these symptoms, particularly for chronic conditions. A new generation of physicians, however, takes a new approach to treating chronic conditions working with patients to heal through the brain. These treatments, often referred to as brain-based therapy or Neuro Metabolic Therapy promise especially exciting breakthroughs for patients with chronic conditions, particularly those with ADD and ADHD.
The Basics
Brain Based Therapy and Neuro Metabolic Therapy recognize that the brain controls all the functions of our bodies. Without proper brain function, the body falters. When the brain works efficiently and functions normally, we have healthy bodies. External influences like allergies and stress or internal influences like emotions or energy imbalances can interfere with the brain's ability to function properly. When our brains run inefficiently, it can lead to chronic conditions like ADD and ADHD.
The medical profession has identified possible physiological causes of ADD and ADHD. They include chemical imbalances in the brain and the underdevelopment of the areas of the brain that control attention. But these "reasons" don't get to the why a chemical imbalance might occur. Brain Based Therapy, on the other hand, seeks to get to the root cause — the why — of the chronic condition.
How it Works
Brain Based Therapy, Johnson Neuro Metabolic Therapy and similar methods of treatment use a variety of approaches to figure out why a chronic condition is occurring. The therapy most often starts out with a comprehensive brain and nervous system exam. Physicians specializing in more holistic approaches to treating ADD and ADHD will also explore possible allergic causes or nutrient deficiencies through extensive testing. Foods like gluten, yeast, soy and casein can cause a person's immune system to attack the body (autoimmune) and cause a host of symptoms including pain, neurological problems and intestinal distress. These allergies and food sensitivities then often cause nutritional deficiencies that can be treated with specific nutritional supplements and dietary changes.
These holistic therapies also work with patients' bodies. People with ADD and ADHD respond particularly well to treatments involving specific rhythmic exercises (Interactive Metronome). Doctors may also incorporate energy work to reestablish a body's natural energy balance. Acupuncture works on this principal and has been incorporated into standard Western medical practices.
The Treatments
Practitioners of Brain Based Therapy and Neuro Metabolic Therapy work from a whole body perspective. These are not the only treatments, however. Similar treatments that physicians using Brain Based Therapy might also include Interactive Metronome approach. This approach to ADD and ADHD challenges patients to match a range foot and hand movements to a precise computer generated tone. This treatment teaches patients how to focus for longer periods of time, filter out internal distractions, and monitor both physical and mental actions at the same time.
Another therapy often incorporated into Brain Based Therapy by Dr. Karl Johnson, DC of Shelby Township, Michigan is Nambudripad's Allergy Eliminations Techniques or NAET. These techniques expose patients to energetic analogs of allergens or stressors and focus on improving the body's energy balance. It is believe that hidden allergies can block energy pathways leading to conditions like ADD and ADHD.
Heal Thyself
The human brain is a truly magnificent wonder. It can make us sick and it can heal us. Taking a comprehensive, whole body, brain based approach to treating chronic illness is a proven pathway to treating chronic illnesses, particularly ADD and ADHD. Rather than spending your life on Ritalin, which only addresses the symptoms of this chronic condition, get to the why of this neurological approach. Brain Based Therapy using Johnson Neuro Metabolic Therapy has restored the proper functioning of the brain is many patients and returned their body to an optimal state of health.
Topics: Dr Karl Johnson, autoimmune, ADD, ADHD, Johnson Neuro-Metabolic Therapy, brain based therapy, Interactive Metronome