In a previous blog post entitled, Can Optimized Methylation Be The Key To Your Health Recovery, I explained the role of gene flaws (also called polymorphisms or Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms or SNP's) in contributing to stubborn health challenges. To wrap your head around the concept of a gene flaw, a great analogy is how a computer program with improper coding will malfunction. When the computer program with the flawed code runs, it doesn't perform as designed and odd computer function occurs. Our body carries out all its many wonderful actions via the activity of enzymes that carry out very specific functions, such as converting the food we eat into energy to run our cells. When we have a gene flaw (SNP) for an enzyme, the action that enzyme is designed to carry out either does not occur or is slowed, or in some cases sped up. The end result: chemicals that are supposed to be converted into a different chemical aren't converted. One specific example of how enzyme work in our body is when we consume an alcholic beverage. Our body has to use three enzymes to break the alchohol down to substances that can be safely eliminated.
In the world of gene flaws, one aspect that seems to be overlooked by doctors is its STRONG ASSOCIATION with HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE (HIT). If a clinician misses this all-too-common occurrence you will NOT get (totally) better even if your health practitioner helps you heal your gut, your brain, your detoxification pathways, etc.
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