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Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson's Chronic Condition Natural Treatment Blog

Intentional musings of a unique Shelby Township Michigan Chiropractic Physician dedicated to helping people find solutions to improving their health by rooting out causes to chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, stubborn thyroid disorder symptoms, balance disorders, chronic knee & shoulder pain, migraines, sciatica, ADD/ADHD/ASD, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disorders so they can Reclaim Their Life!

From the Desk of Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC.....

Balancing and Nourishing The Brain Helps Solve Many Health Challenges

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Tue, Apr 04, 2017

Neurobehavioral disorders have exploded in our current generation. ADHD is diagnosed in a significant portion of school aged children. A research survey of parents shows that approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have ever been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. Autism statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify around 1 in 68 American children as on the autism spectrum–a ten-fold increase in prevalence over the last 40 years. Studies also show that autism is four to five times more common among boys than girls. An estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States. ASD is estimated to affect more than 2 million individuals in the U.S. and tens of millions worldwide. We are seeing many cases of anxiety and depression in kids as young as 4.

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Topics: ADHD, Neurofeedback, nutrition

5 Ways To Battle Brain Fog

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Wed, Mar 29, 2017

What is brain fog?

In children, brain fog is associate with zoning out. We commonly see this in ADHD and autism cases. In adults, brain fog often take the form of having difficulty engaging in cognition, learning or memory. Examples of this include: forgetting names/dates/events, hearing someone speak but not understanding, difficulty staying on task, etc.

Various health challenges can lead to brain fog including the following (and more):

Learning how to battle brain fog is an important discussion and for this article, I will reveal five ways to battle brain fog.

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Topics: fibromyalgia, ADD, ADHD, Leaky Gut, brain fog, brain map, Throid Dysfunction

The Top 10 Reasons To get a Brain Map [qEEG]

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Mon, Feb 27, 2017

Top Ten Reasons to get a Brain Map

Brain maps are a 20-30 minute, non-invasive, computerized analysis of brain function. The electrical activity of the brain is associated with function of the brain. Brain maps allow for targeted management of a weak or unbalanced area of the brain. These multi-color maps show if any parts of the brain are outside the normal range. 
There are several reasons to get a brain map. The top 10 reasons are as follows:
    1. There are difficulties with focus and attention. Brain mapping has a long history of helping to recognize the symptoms of attention deficit disorder or ADD. 
    2. A person feels like they are in a fog or having problems with zoning out. Brain fog can happen in a child and in an adult. 
    3. Head trauma. Concussions. A history of contact sports. It is important to make sure the electrical activity of the brain is intact. Head trauma is associated with a long term loss of brain activity and function. 
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Topics: fibromyalgia, ADHD, Insomnia, brain fog, Anxiety, Neurofeedback, Concussion

Understanding and Selecting Natural ADHD Treatments

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Wed, Sep 21, 2016

Living with ADHD can be challenging, and part of this challenge can be discovering the right treatment options for your particular situation. The truth about most treatment options is that there is "no one size fits all treatment" that will work for each and every situation. Given that ADHD is a disorder that originates in the brain, it can make some treatment options risky to the individual, especially those considering pharmaceutical treatment options. Exploring natural treatment options that are proven effective and are backed by scientific research offer the potential to avoid the risks associated with other treatments and can potentially reduce the challenges you or your loved once face concerning ADHD.

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Topics: ADD, ADHD, Neurofeedback, Interactive Metronome, ADHD Treatments

Drug-free Neuro-Feedback Treatments for ADD/ADHD Children

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Thu, Aug 18, 2016

"Your child needs medication." At least that's what parents hear more often than not when learning how to handle an ADD/ADHD diagnosis. Naturally, you want your children to be able to operate at their personal best, but what happens hen that best starts to include medications that change your child's personality? What about the long-term health of your child? Many parents are begging for alternatives to help their children focus and pay attention.

Neurofeedback or EEG Biofeedback corrects irregular brainwaves and timing patterns in patients that have diagnoses like ADD/ADHD. Typical symptoms of this disorder include short attention spans, lack of ability to concentrate, being impulsive, hyperactivity, poor organizational skills, all of which often lead to learning and behavioral issues. These symptoms can be caused by brain irregularities, and neurofeedback trains the brain to adopt regular patterns leading to improved brain regulation. You can imagine the impact this could have as a truly drug-free therapeutic option!

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Topics: ADHD, Neurofeedback

Treatment Options for Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder [ADD/ADHD]

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Wed, May 11, 2016

Guest blog by Ronald Grisanti, DC, DABCO, DACBN, MS

Attention-deficit disorder affects a startling 17 million people and seems to be gaining ground every year.As a parent of child suffering with this disorder.. what are you to do?? Attention-deficit disorder is the most frequently diagnosed childhood psychiatric condition in America. In the past most medical journals described this disorder as minimal brain damage, hyperactive child syndrome & minimal cerebral dysfunction.

Common Symptoms of ADD

The common symptoms include brief attention span, poor concentration, difficulty keeping track of things, making careless mistakes, impatience, difficulty waiting or taking turns, blurting out answers when not asked, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, failure to finish things off, lack of perseverance & poor organizing. These characteristics are frequently associated with difficulties in school, in both learning and behavior. Task that require concentration are nearly impossible causing frustration, irritability, agitation and often recklessness.

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Topics: ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Neurofeedback, allergies, Hyperactivity, Attention, QEEG

When Is A Food Really Gluten Free? How Do I Reclaim My Life?

Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Sun, Sep 09, 2012

When is the color blue, NOT the color blue? Of course, it's when the color is purple...or does purple contain some blue. One could debate about color gradation for the good part of an hour, if one had the time to ponder such things. I for one, do not have the time to do so, nor the desire. However, I have been asked many times by my patients what gluten free really means. Unfortunately, if you get on the internet, you will find this area of discussion quite confusing. The term gluten-free is generally used to indicate a supposed harmless level of gluten rather than a complete absence of gluten.[1] The exact level at which gluten is harmless is uncertain and controversial, however. Depending on what country you reside, gluten free has varying definitions and hence the regulations for labeling a food gluten free varies too.

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Topics: autoimmune, Cyrex Labs, gluten free, fibromyalgia, ADD, ADHD, psoriasis, eczema, inflammation, low thyroid, vertigo

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